Aller Simple

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Finished 09 / 10 / 2021
$ 8,955
$ 6,828
$ 10,846
112 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    A hug and your name in the credits

    You will be entitled to a big hug (face-to-face or from a distance) from the entire team. Also, your name will appear in the credits , so it will be read by millions of viewers who will enjoy Aller Simple through online platforms and festivals.

    • Your actual spending will be € 2 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 8 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Link to the movie

    In addition to the hug and thanks in the credits, we will send you the link to the movie so that you can watch it non-stop (or go straight to the end credits to show everyone your participation!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 20 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 53

    Script in pdf

    In addition to all of the above, we will send you our eternal thanks and the PDF of the Aller Simple script, signed by their authors (if you don't speak French, that will be the excuse to start!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 10 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 40 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Invitation to the preview

    In addition to all of the above, we will invite you to attend the preview (in Tolouse or in Barcelona ), to see the movie on the big screen, meet our fabulous team and eat peanuts while we talk about movies.

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 20 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 80 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 214

    Movie poster

    In addition to all of the above, one day not too far away you will find the magnificent poster for Aller Simple (designed by the great Tristan Houllemare and signed by the entire team).

    • Your actual spending will be € 62.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 137.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 321

    Mysterious USB memory stick

    In addition to all the above, one day you will receive a mysterious USB memory stick with the movie, the making of, souvenir photos and many GB of kisses.

    • Your actual spending will be € 127.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 172.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 427

    DVD of “Aller Simple”

    In addition to all the above, you will receive the Aller Simple DVD , recorded on a film by Nicolas Cage (a unique item that will increase in value over the years and pay off your children's mortgage!).

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 192.5 if donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 207.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 534

    Associated producers

    In addition to all of the above, you will appear in the film credits as associate producers (don't be surprised if in a few weeks Stanley Kubrick's manager calls you).

    • Your actual spending will be € 257.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 242.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers

Aller Simple (link)

17 | 01 | 2023
Aller Simple (link)


Queridas y queridos mecenas,

Finalmente, y para empezar con bien pie el año 2023, os compartimos el enlace privado de Aller Simple con gran alegría. ¡Esperamos que disfrutéis del corto tanto como nosotros hemos disfrutado haciéndolo!

Además del enlace privado, prepararemos las recompensas que os prometimos en el crowdfunding en las próximas semanas, ¡así que estad atentos a las sorpresas que se avecinan!

Hemos mandado la película a varios festivales y, hasta ahora, Aller Simple ha sido seleccionado en FunCinema en Buenos Aires, Love Your Short Films en Florida, y recibió una Mención Especial en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Florencia y en el Student World Impact. ¡Esperamos más buenas noticias en los próximos meses!

Queríamos daros las gracias una vez más de todo corazón: esta película ha sido una aventura preciosa para nosotros y es gracias a vuestra participación y apoyo que se ha convertido en realidad.

¡Os deseamos un muy feliz 2023!


Estimats/des mecenes,

Finalment, i per començar amb bon peu l'any 2023, us compartim l'enllaç privat d'Aller Simple! Esperem que gaudiu tant de la pel·lícula com nosaltres ho hem fet fent-la!

A més de l'enllaç privat, estem preparant les recompenses que us vam prometre en el crowdfunding. Estigueu atents durant les properes setmanes!

Us volem explicar també que vam enviar la pel·lícula a diversos festivals. Fins ara, Aller Simple ha estat seleccionada a FunCinema de Buenos Aires, Love Your Short Films a Florida, i va rebre una menció especial al Festival Internacional de Cinema de Florència i a l’Student World Impact Festival. Esperem més bones notícies en els propers mesos!

Volíem donar-vos les gràcies una vegada més de tot cor, perquè aquesta pel·lícula ha estat més que una aventura per a nosaltres i és gràcies a vosaltres que existeix! Gràcies pel vostre suport, les vostres donacions i la vostra confiança!

Us desitgem un feliç any nou 2023!


Chers et chères mécènes,

Pour bien démarrer l’année 2023, c’est avec immense joie que nous vous partageons enfin le lien privé d’Aller Simple! Nous espérons que vous apprécierez le court-métrage autant que nous avons pris plaisir à le réaliser!

En plus du lien privé, nous allons préparer les contreparties promises sur l’appel à dons dans les semaines qui viennent alors restez connectés pour les surprises qui arrivent!

Nous avons envoyé le film sur les chemins des festivals et jusqu’à maintenant Aller Simple a été sélectionné au FunCinema de Buenos Aires, Love Your Short Films en Floride, et il a reçu une Mention Spéciale au Florence International Film Festival et au Student World Impact. Nous espérons d’autres bonnes nouvelles dans les mois qui viennent!

Nous voulions encore une fois vous remercier de tout coeur, car ce film a été pour nous plus qu’une aventure et c’est grâce à vous qu’il peut vivre aujourd’hui! Merci pour votre soutien, vos donations et votre confiance!

Bonne année 2023!


Dear patrons,

To start the year 2023 it is with great joy that we share the private link of Aller Simple. We hope you enjoy the short as much as we have enjoyed making it!

In addition to the private link, in the coming weeks we will be preparing the counterparties promised on the crowdfunding so stay tuned for the surprises to come!

We have sent the film to various festivals and so far Aller Simple has been selected at FunCinema in Buenos Aires, Love Your Short Films in Florida, and received a Special Mention at the Florence International Film Festival and Student World Impact. We look forward to more good news in the coming months!

We wanted to thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts, this film has been more than an adventure for us and it is thanks to you that Aller Simple exists today! Thank you for your support, your donations and your trust!

Happy new year 2023!


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