La ZAL als tribunals

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Finished 12 / 05 / 2019
$ 16,478
$ 10,285
$ 16,071
325 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5


    Unless you specify the contrary, we will communicate our appreciation for your contribution on our website, on facebook, and in the calendar Fem L´horta possible 2020.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Extra TURIA digital

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta.

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign bag

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + handmade, fair trade, organic cotton bag with image by Escif or Anna Penyas, exclusively designed for the Recuperem la Punta, aturem la ZAL campaign (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 72 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Mala Punta nunca muere (the bad Punta never dies)

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mala punta nunca muere poster by Anaïs Florin (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Mataren el verd book

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mataren el verd by Carme Miquel (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Resistance packet 1

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + handmade, fair trade, organic cotton bag with image by Escif or Anna Penyas, exclusively designed for the Recuperem La Punta, aturem la ZAL campaign + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Resistance packet 2

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mala punta nunca muere poster by Anaïs Florin + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Resistance packet 3

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mataren el verd by Carme Miquel + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Resistance packet 3 + guided tour

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mataren el verd by Carme Miquel + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign + guided tour of La Punta (in groups) (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 214

    Resistance packet 3 + guided tour, level 2

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mataren el verd by Carme Miquel + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign + guided tour of La Punta (in groups) (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 321


    Sponsor – Collaborate with the campaign without receiving a reward. Appreciation for your sponsorship – collaboration will be communicated on our website, on facebook and in the Fem l´horta possible 2020 calendar unless you specify the contrary.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 536

    Special Sponsorship

    Sponsor – Collaborate with the campaign without receiving a reward. Appreciation for your special sponsorship – collaboration will be communicated on our website, on facebook and in the Fem l´horta possible 2020 calendar unless you specify the contrary.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,071


    Patron – Collaborate with the campaign without receiving a reward. Appreciation for your sponsorship – collaboration will be communicated on our website, on facebook and in the Fem l´horta possible 2020 calendar unless you specify the contrary.

    > 00 Co-financiers

Èxit de la campanya! Tenim una cita! Apunteu-vos-la!

19 | 06 | 2019
Èxit de la campanya! Tenim una cita! Apunteu-vos-la!

Bon dia! Tenim una cita!

Com sense dubte sabreu, la campanya per a cofinançar les despeses originades per la presentació de recursos judicials contra la ZAL (Zona d'Activitats Logístiques, el macropolígon industrial que el Port de València vol construir sobre terres de La Punta) ha estat tot un èxit. I en 10 dies ho podrem celebrar conjuntament!

Serà el divendres 28 de juny en Las Naves (C/ Joan Verdaguer, 16-24 de València, línies EMT 4, 19, 30, 92), entre les 18.00 i les 21.00 hores. Podeu passar-vos-hi quan vulgueu.

Una ocasió estupenda per a conèixer-nos, xerrar i compartir, comentar noves accions, recollir les vostres recompenses... Explicarem en quina situació es troba el procés en què heu col·laborat i les perspectives. Hi haurà barra (begudes, menjar), música, projeccions, algunes sorpreses... i molta complicitat. En breu us comunicarem l'horari de les intervencions i de les actuacions musicals així com qualsevol detall d'interès.

L'esforç solidari de tanta gent ha de contribuir a acabar amb aquest projecte tan innecessari, tan malbaratador del nostre territori i del nostre futur, i que puguem gaudir en La Punta d'una veritable connexió d'infraestructura verda entre el Jardí i la desembocadura del riu Túria i el Parc Natural de l'Albufera.

Gràcies pel vostre suport! Esperem veure'ns el divendres 28!

Plataforma Horta és Futur. No a la ZAL


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