Finished 12 / 05 / 2022
$ 3,289
$ 2,688
$ 5,217
29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Virtual reward, thanks and invitation to the exhibition opening.

    Thanks for your support!

    • Once the campaign and project are over, you will receive a virtual reward in digital format and an invitation to the exhibition so you can see the results of the project first hand.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Virtual reward, thanks and invitation to the exhibition opening.

    Thanks for your support!

    • Once the campaign and project are over, you will receive a virtual reward in digital format and an invitation to the exhibition so you can see the results of the project first hand.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21

    1 entry for a giveaway of a seat

    Thanks for your support!

    • With this contribution you will take part in the draw for one of the seats of the Sec i Soc project. It will be designed by students but you can customize it yourself.

    • We will also send you emotional resources (tools) so that you can “become who you are and how you feel” and be able to represent it in the product.

    • Once the campaign and project are over, you will receive a virtual reward in digital format and an invitation to the exhibition so you can see the results of the project first hand.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 37

    2 entries for the giveaway of a seat

    Thanks for your support!

    • With this contribution you will take part in the draw for two of the seats of the Sec i Soc project. It will be designed by students but you can customize it yourself.

    • We will also send you emotional resources (tools) so that you can “become who you are and how you feel” and be able to represent it in the product.

    • Once the campaign and project are over, you will receive a virtual reward in digital format and an invitation to the exhibition so you can see the results of the project first hand.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    3 entries for the giveaway of a seat

    Thanks for your support!

    • With this contribution you will take part in the draw for three of the seats of the Sec i Soc project. It will be designed by students but you can customize it yourself.

    • We will also send you emotional resources (tools) so that you can “become who you are and how you feel” and be able to represent it in the product.

    • Once the campaign and project are over, you will receive a virtual reward in digital format and an invitation to the exhibition so you can see the results of the project first hand.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    5 entries for the giveaway of a seat + scale models of the four seats

    Thanks for your support!

    • With this contribution you will take part in the draw for five of the seats of the Sec i Soc project. It will be designed by students but you can customize it yourself.

    • We will also send you emotional resources (tools) so that you can “become who you are and how you feel” and be able to represent it in the product.

    • And the 1: 5 scale models of the four seats designed.

    • Once the campaign and project are over, you will receive a virtual reward in digital format and an invitation to the exhibition so you can see the results of the project first hand.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 268

    STAR PACK (random)

    Thanks for your support!

    • With this contribution we will send you one of the seats designed by the students randomly chosen, based on the spaces we will have in and the wood used (do not forget that one of the bases of the project is “0” waste).

    • We will also send you emotional resources so that you can become “who you are and how you feel” and be able to represent it in the product.

    • Once the campaign and project are over, you will receive a virtual reward in digital format and an invitation to the exhibition so you can see the results of the project first hand.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 536


    Thanks for your support!

    • With this contribution we will send you one of the seats designed by the students that you can choose from the four options.

    • We will also send you emotional resources so that you can become “who you are and how you feel” and be able to represent it in the product.

    • Once the campaign and project are over, you will receive a virtual reward in digital format and an invitation to the exhibition so you can see the results of the project first hand.

    > 01 Co-financiers

Etapa de Producció i Postproducció

Aquest mes de juny ja sigut molt intens i no ens creiem que ja s'hagi acabat! Venim a donar-vos les últimes noticies, ara si. A explicar-vos les dues ultimes etapes i els resultats.

L’Etapa de Producció i ’Etapa de Postproducció...

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El retorno colectivo tras la campaña con Goteo ya es accesible desde la página del proyecto.
Tras varias semanas de campaña en Goteo, esto es lo que hemos aprovechado para contar (haz clic).
¡Lo hemos logrado! Campaña cofinanciada en Goteo gracias a mucha gente ;)

Etapa d'Ideació

Arriba el juny i amb ell les noticies... Durant els últims mesos hem treballat a les aules per aconseguir les cadires que ben aviat podreu veure.
Durant totes aquestes setmanes hem passat per l’Etapa d’Ideació fina l’Etapa de Producció...

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Etapa Emocional

Fa unes setmanes vam començar aquest primer projecte i no podem estar més contentes i agraïdes.

Ja hem acabat la primera de les quatre etapes que estructuren el projecte, l’ETAPA EMOCIONAL.


Aquesta, la vam començar...

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Ya casi llegamos al final. Te necesitamos, ¡estas personas ya han aportado!
¿Lo lograremos? Solo falta una semana y ¡aún hay que llegar al mínimo!
No ha sido fácil, pero misión cumplida con el objetivo de financiación. ¡Muchas gracias!
Esto ya está casi, es a todo o nada pero ¡se puede lograr!
20 días de campaña en Goteo, y aún un mundo por delante. ¿Quién nos puede ayudar también con esto? (haz clic)
Llegar hasta aquí ya tiene mérito: ¡50% de recaudación superado!
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!
¡Una semana ya en Goteo! Mira qué nos motiva y a quién nos dirigimos.
Estamos en campaña porque queremos lograr estos objetivos (clic)
Esto es lo que queremos hacer y est@s somos nosotr@s
Comienza a moverse la campaña, ¡pero aún falta y es a todo o nada!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)